Friday, November 21, 2008

Favorites and Not-So-Favorites

Top 10 Favorite Things to Eat: 
10. Butternut squash. This is shocking that it is on the list because it's a new favorite. My whole life I thought I didn't like winter squashes, but just last year I discovered how amazing butternut squash is. I've prepared it several different ways so far this season. 
9. Traditional Thanksgiving meal. All of it. Every side dish, every appetizer, every dessert. I try them all. Thank God this meal is only once a year because otherwise I would weigh 500 lbs! 
8. Asparagus. Yummy, yummy, yummy. I like it so many ways: all by itself, seasoned with herbs, cooked into recipes, etc. 
7. Crab legs. No butter, just tons of lemon. When I go out to eat and crab legs are on the menu, you can bet that I will most likely order them. I use the claws to scrape out every little bit of them from the shells. King crab legs are great, but I am just as pleased with the little guys too! I rarely eat them at home because inevitably your house will smell like crab for about 2 days after you eat it! 
6. Bread. Oh yes, bread is one of my favorite things on earth! Oh how a good loaf of bread can make my day! 
5. Good coffee. Although technically not a food, it's a favorite of mine. And NO cheap stuff, only good quality ground beans. I am not picky how it is served: espresso, blended, a regular cup of joe, coffee flavored ice cream... any which way is fine!  
4. Shrimp. I feel like Forest Gump here, but I will honestly eat shrimp any way you prepare it (just as long as you remove the disgusting veins from them!): BBQ shrimp, fried shrimp, garlic shrimp, shrimp louie, snow pea shrimp... you get the picture!
3. New York steak with melted bleu cheese crumbled on top. Prepared medium-rare. Mmmmmmm, my mouth is watering just thinking about it. 
2. Breakfast foods. When I wake up in the morning the very 1st thought that goes into my mind is "what's for breakfast?" I swear. I live for breakfast! I can't honestly remember the last time I didn't eat breakfast, and therefore breakfast is my meal that I feel most comfortable cooking. I just get in the kitchen and start cooking. No measuring. No over analyzing. Rarely a bad meal. It's just my thing. Most of the time I make healthy foods for breakfast but I do have the occasional gut-buster! 
1. Burritos. Well, actually anything Mexican is my favorite but burritos rank #1 in my world! They have always been my favorite dish. They are the perfect meal! Tons of ways to prepare them, packed full of flavor, and neatly wrapped in a perfectly sized tortilla for you to hold.

Least Favorite Things to Eat:
1. Eggplant. Yuk.
2. Pork. Actually, I am kinda weird about pork. I have consciously chosen to not eat any meat products that come from a pig for about 20 years, but sometimes it's unavoidable. I love my mexican food restaurants and Lord knows they load that up with lard! Also, there is this amazing corn chowder at Tower Cafe that is loaded with pieces of ham. I overlook it. So as you see, I am not real strict on this dislike. 
3. Huge portions. It's a real pet peeve of mine that restaurants serve such large portions. Cory and I are pretty good about splitting meals because it's absurd how much food some restaurants consider to be a meal for one. 
4. Scallops. Honestly, they may have the greatest flavor in the world but when I bite down into them I can't understand where their body parts are. This mystery that has yet to be explained to me leads me to dislike the scallop in general. 

That's it. I am wracking my brain trying to think of more dislikes, but I just can't (like I said in a previous post, I love food!)


Theresa said...

I never thought about your comment about the scallops... That makes me a bit sqeemish!! (sp?) Anyway, I love coffee too!!!!

Amanda said...

I don't trust scallops...

Unknown said...

Coffee is my #1. Breakfast I can skimp on, but dinner for me is where I like to indulge!