Friday, November 28, 2008

My First Challenge to Myself!

Lately I have been reading a blog called Not Eating Out in New York (see here) and the premise of this site is amazing. This blogger got bored of eating out. She lives in New York City and to me, it seems impossible to get bored of eating out in NYC! This seems impossible for several reasons. I lived in NYC for about 4 months and eating out is just a way of life there. EVERY restaurant delivers and everyone eats out most meals of most days. I am also amazed by this site because NYC is a food mecca. Some of the best chefs in the world are there. The food is amazing. But the author of this blog has a great point: restaurants pretty much do the same dishes with very little variation and with large price tags to boot! So why not cook at home all the time and really hone your culinary skills. The author of this blog did not eat out for over 2 years. Not even one meal. That is mind boggling! This has created some pretty unique challenges for her but it also has opened up a huge opportunity to become a better cook (as well as save a ton of money!)

By no means would I be interested in not eating out for years because honestly, I love to eat out. Maybe too much! I get on kicks where all I want to do is eat out. And then I reel myself in and cook at home for a while. But the truth is that I do eat out too much. Cory and I are pretty good about splitting meals when we eat out, so it doesn't cost as much, but it is still expensive. There are other reasons for not eating out as much. By cooking at home I can make sure my food is clean, fresh and healthy. Also the whole reason I am blogging about food is to become a better cook. In order to become a better cook, I need to actually cook!!

So here is my challenge to myself. I am not going to eat out for an entire week starting Saturday Nov. 29th and ending at midnight on December 6th. There...I said it. That is the challenge to myself! No breakfast, lunch, dinners or snacks out at restaurants of any kind. Let's see if I can do it!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

I'd so do this with you if you started NEXT week... I'm traveling for work on Tuesday so I have to eat out at least one day this week. I have a goal to not eat out for one month... that is going to be insanity but necessary.