Sunday, December 21, 2008

A Turn for the Better!

Yep, things have improved. My rotten luck came to an end (thank God) since my last post. I made the Turkey Stuffed Peppers that I spoke of and they were delicious! Cory and I even fought over who got the last one! My 3 y.o. ate them with with a big "mmmmmmm" after each bite! I have made stuffed peppers in the past and was never happy with the pepper. I always felt that it wasn't cooked enough. This recipe has a different technique than I haven't used before. It calls for broth in the pan surrounding all the stuffed peppers. You then cover the pan with foil (or a lid in my case) and it actually steams the pepper to perfection. It was cooked exactly how I like! I used a wild rice/whole grain blend instead of white rice so my mixture was much crunchier than if I would have used white rice, but it was still very good. Next time (oh yes, there will be a next time) I will add corn and black beans to the mixture. Sorry, but we were so hungry I didn't want to waste time taking pictures!! Visit Gina's site and see her beautiful picture of this delicious dish!

Today was definitely "soup weather" so I made a Potato Leek Soup recipe that I found on I modified it with half chicken stock/half water and added some seasoning salt.
I thought the soup was good. Not the best soup I've ever had, but definitely good. Cory, on the other hand, wasn't as thrilled about it. I believe his exact words were "what stinks?" I take this with a grain of salt because he doesn't really like onions, and leeks would fall into the onion category for him.

For me, one of the best parts about the holiday season is pairing turkey and cranberries. It's a flavor combination made in heaven. I made a wonderful batch of cranberry sauce.

This recipe was also from Recipezaar and it had a simple twist to the traditional cranberry sauce recipe. You substitute orange juice for the water. It gives it another layer of flavor that pairs nicely with the cranberries. Once the cranberry sauce was set, I built my wonderful turkey and cranberry sandwich. Served next to my Potato Leek soup it was a great meal in my opinion!The most exciting part about making the Potato Leek Soup was I got to use my new Kitchen Aid immersion blender!
Yep, the experience of having hot soup shoot up through the vent hole of the blender led me to make a new purchase...a very handy Kitchen Aid immersion blender! It works like a champ. Cory was thrilled about this purchase because it is the perfect tool to make milkshakes with...which he wasted no time in testing out!
Cory's creation:

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